Update - November 2020

Here’s a 6-minute update on our plans going forward. See the post immediately below this one for what’s happening right now and where to find us when we’re broadcasting live.

How we’re gathering…

From September 2020, we are a doing fortnightly cycle - live broadcast one week, then meeting in small hubs in people’s homes the next. We want to make sure this season is sustainable for us all, and that we are intentional about continuing to grow and connect.

Our live broadcast feeds from our public facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/i61Sydney - check that page to keep up to date with our live broadcast schedule and other announcements. Even better, like the page so that you are automatically notified.

We are not able to go back to Vinegar Hill Community Centre for the foreseeable future as social distancing requirements mean we can’t fit enough people in the room, and the poor internet connectivity at the venue means we can’t broadcast from there.

Stay tuned to this site, and to our facebook page for news on upcoming events and any changes to the way we are gathering.

If you’re not involved, and you want to be, drop us a line and we’d love to get you connected!


UPDATE: What’s Happening On Sundays? - Saturday 21st March 11:15am

UPDATE - Friday 20th March 5:10pm

Given the updated guidelines that the government issued this afternoon, we have made the decision that all non-essential public gatherings should be cancelled for the time being. This includes Youth which meets tonight (sadly!), and our Sunday gatherings. This will be the case until the situation changes.

It’s really important right now that we cooperate with our government and health authorities as they are working day and night for the good of us all. While we could argue that some gatherings fit within the guidelines and could go ahead, the bigger picture is that we are in the middle of a global pandemic, and we should err on the side of caution.

We are making plans for online community. Loving one another does not stop. The Kingdom advancing does not stop.

We will update you in the next 24-ish hours with plans for Sunday.

UPDATE - Thursday 19th March 2020


Yesterday, the government reduced the ban on non-essential indoor gatherings (which includes churches) to 100 people, and require people to have a 1.5 metre separation. This brings us much closer to the line that last week, and there is talk that the separation distance may be increase to 4 metres.

Currently we are under 100 people in the room, and we can manage the separation. So, here’s the plan for this weekend…

  • Youth is happening as normal on Friday night. We’re well inside the limit. Social distancing guidelines will be needed.

  • Our Sunday gathering will go ahead as planned at this stage providing there are no new developments or changes to government limits. Should there be a change, we will update here and via social media.

  • It is important that we honour our government’s guidelines around social distancing. It is just one way we honour our governing authorities (Romans 14), and play our part in stopping the virus spreading. Our community at large would expect nothing less of us. This means no hugging or handshaking please. We will have the room set up differently to accommodate this.

  • There will be no food or drink served (so no normal kids dinner) so please bring whatever you need for you and your family.

  • We are making plans to do things via online/streaming. We suspect we may need to do this in the near future - perhaps as soon as next week.

This is a daily moving feast. If things change we will update you.

Let’s keep praying this virus down! Jesus is bigger. And let’s be super smart in how we behave. And, let’s be praying for our economy and all those whose livelihoods are affected at the moment. Let’s pray that it is short-lived and we will bounce back to better than before.

i61 Corona Virus Guidance

The world is going through a difficult time right now with the outbreak of the Corona (COVID-19) Virus. As a church we take this seriously, both as individuals and families who want ourselves and our loved ones to remain healthy, and also as a community that cares deeply about our community, city, nation, and planet.

For most who contract the virus, they will experience mild symptoms and make a full recovery. For others in high risk categories, this virus could be very severe, and even fatal. It’s important that we combine deep faith in our God who triumphs over every sickness and disease, while at the same time being pragmatically smart and wise. We need to support our health authorities and follow their advice. They are doing their best to minimise the impact, and it’s important that the church serves our community by not being overly cavalier about this in the name of faith. Faith and practical wisdom are not mutually exclusive.

We should remember that our actions are not just about us, and don’t just affect us. You may not be personally concerned for your own health, but we should be concerned about the health of the community at large, and especially those who are vulnerable. My own carelessness could easily result in the harm of another. This is not just about “me”. This is about “us”. The better contained this virus is, the better our health care system can care for those who really it need it right now.

Public gatherings

The Federal Government has placed a ban on non-essential gatherings involving more than 500 people. We are not close to this size at this point. We don’t feel the need to cancel our Sunday gatherings at this stage, and as such they will proceed as normal. We will monitor the situation closely from week to week and advise should we feel the need to do differently. If the situation warrants us temporarily abandoning our public gatherings in the name of public health, we will do so without hesitation. Please stay tuned to our website and social media channels for updated information.

POlicies on coming to our gatherings…

Here are a few important guidelines and requests to help us navigate this situation

  1. If you are in a high-risk category as identified by the World Health Organisation, you should follow the advice of your doctor in regards to attendance. Australian Government advice can be found at https://www.health.gov.au

  2. If you have travelled from mainland China, Iran, Italy or the Republic of Korea within the last 14 days, DO NOT ATTEND.

  3. If you, or any member of your household, including your children, have tested positive to COVID-19, or have any kind of cold or flu-like symptoms, including but not limited to fever, sore throat, cough, respiratory issues, diarrhoea, unexplained fatigue, please DO NOT ATTEND ANY CORPORATE GATHERING (including small groups, prayer meetings, ministry sessions), and the rest of your household should also NOT ATTEND until you hav been symptom free for at least 14 days.

  4. Re point 3 above, at this stage if you have symptoms that have been checked by a doctor and are known not to be contagious, it is ok to attend. If in any doubt, please check with us first. This will be revised should the situation worsen.

  5. Any child who falls ill during one of our kids programs (runny nose, fever, cough etc) will be required to be collected promptly and taken home.

  6. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 or are self-isolating for any reason, please keep us informed.

When we’re together…

  1. We meet in a community facility, so we don’t have complete control over every aspect of the building. Every effort will be made to ensure that the environment is clean, but we need your help in this. We recommend you bring your own hand sanitiser where possible. We’re finding this a little hard to come by at the moment. Please use it before you have any close contact with another person.

  2. Parents, it’s probably good to be aware of your kids being kids and rolling around on the floor, and touching every possible surface. The virus is caught from hard surfaces, so please be aware that it is impossible for us to disinfect every hard surface.

  3. We are a loving and connected community, and there’s usually lots of hugs, handshakes etc. Please be aware that some may be uncomfortable or nervous about this at the moment, and let people keep their distance if that’s what they need to do.

The Faith Perspective

It’s times like this that put our faith to the test and show up what we really believe. Jesus gave us authority over sickness and disease, and now would be a great time to step into that authority. That DOESN’T mean being irresponsible in our actions. It DOES mean we don’t fall prey to the fear and foreboding spirits that are very much ruling the airwaves right now.

A couple of scriptures to spend some time in…

“The LORD spoke to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people. He said: “Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. The LORD Almighty is the One you are to regard as holy, He is the one you are to fear, He is the one you are to dread, and He will be a sanctuary…”
Isaiah 8:11–14 NIV

“He will cover you with his feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.”
Psalm 91:4–7 NIV

Our state has been through a lot in the last 5 months - bushfires, storms, floods, now this. It’s not only affecting people’s health. It’s impacting our entire economy, and many people’s livelihoods are at risk. Our mission is to show the world what love really is. With so much trauma and fear abounding, this is a great time to step up and be who we are called to be, and love our community and city well.

Please continue to pray with authority for this virus to be brought to nil, and for people and economies to heal quickly. And, if you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to call out for help!