Gathering On Purpose In Challenging Times…
Here’s our normal gathering rhythm…
All-in Sunday corporate gatherings - Every 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday of the month 3pm at Rouse Hill Salvos - 6a Edwards Rd, Nelson (see map below) Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month we meet in small connect groups in people’s homes.
See our ONLINE CALENDAR and keep an eye on our social media pages.
About our gatherings…
Our corporate gatherings are relaxed, relational, and informal, yet highly intentional. We are passionate in our expression of our love of God, hungry to experience deeper levels of His love and power, and we love to learn and grow together.
All Kingdom matters are matters of the heart. Music is a crucial part of our gatherings because music is a language of the heart. We don’t apologise for spending a lot of time immersed in the experience of worship through music.
One of God’s primary attributes is Creator, therefore an obvious outflow of His presence is creativity. We’re young in this journey, but we’re committed to not doing “same old same old”. Creativity demands the freedom to fail. Without that we have no freedom to fly. We experiment a lot! Sometimes it goes great. Sometimes it doesn’t. But, we will never stop the adventure of exploring who God is, who we are, and how we express Him in us.
“We’re not called to bring “church” to earth. We’re called to bring Heaven to earth”