Why "i61"?
The name "i61" is a reflection of the key passage of Scripture God used to call Tim & Debbie to begin this church - Isaiah 61. It is a prophetic description of the ministry of Jesus that continues today through His body - His people. Jesus clearly declared this ministry was His when He read from the scroll in the temple as recorded in Luke 4. This was what the Father had sent Him to do. Then in John 20:21 Jesus said, "As the Father has sent me, I am sending You..."
““...to bring good news to the poor, to bind up the broken-hearted, to bring liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour...””
From Tim & Deb's early ministry years, Isaiah 61 has been a key passage that has inspired their ministry and captured their heart - to bring healing, deliverance, and restoration to people, cities, and nations, to see generational cycles and poverty, despair, dysfunction and devastation ended, and to see all that God has purposed established on the earth - on earth as it is in heaven.