One of the primary ways Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom was through healing and deliverance. Healing is not an added extra - a bonus. It’s in the atonement. Tim looks at three key truths about the ministry of physical healing, mixing teaching with stories and testimonies of different ways that healing has come. The onus is on us to learn and understand how the Kingdom of God operates. We also need to process our past disappointments in a healthy way. These are both critical so that we don’t create room for unbelief to grow.
Laws of The Kingdom - Sowing and Reaping
Like earth has the law of gravity, the Kingdom of God has “laws” by which it operates. If we are not seeing what Scripture promises manifested in our life, chances are we haven’t fully grasped how His kingdom works. One such “law” is the law of sowing and reaping. Sometimes we are not reaping what we want because we haven’t taken God at His word and applied faith to what we sow. Sometimes we are reaping what we don’t want, because we have sown something in the past that has now grown a crop in our life. We blame many things, but don’t realise we are actually reaping something we sowed. Other times we lack because we haven’t sowed anything at all. Tim explores this law of sowing and reaping, so that we can work with it and start to experience everything that Scripture has promised us.
Culture of Heaven - Honour + Word For Women On Mothers' Day
It’s Mothers’ Day, and a great day to talk about one of the fundamentals of the culture of heaven - honour. Scripture says to “honour your father and mother that it may go well with you…” There is a sowing and reaping that happens around this particular area of honour. If things are not going well for you, there’s a chance that you have sowed dishonour somewhere, and you are now reaping from that. Tim tells of his own journey in this, and then Debbie releases a powerful prophetic word and commissioning for the women.
Stand Your Ground
Paul said to the Corinthians, “…we are not ignorant of the devil’s devices,” and he said to the Ephesians, “…put on the full armour of God so you can stand against the devil’s schemes.” What the enemy is doing is not our focus, and at the same time, we can’t be ignorant of what he is up to. Right now, the enemy wants us overwhelmed, and to dissociate/check-out as a protection against all that’s happening in the world. This empowers a sleepy, “wet blanket” kind of feel in spirit. At the same time God is doing an Isaiah 60 work of waking us up. In this season, it is critical that we do not give up ground to the enemy by accepting something that’s not our Kingdom inheritance as “normal”, or “just the way it is.” Do not give up ground right now!
What Are We Growing? Five Discipleship Pillars
Our measures of church “success” in the western world are a bit messed up. When Paul prayed for the churches he fathered, he prayed different things to what we typically pray. Tim builds on previous weeks to bring clarity to where we are going as an i61 family, and what we are working to build. He unpacks the five core “discipleship pillars” that underpin everything we do.
Breaking The Familiarity of Fear
Over the past 2 years, fear seems to have become a normal part of our lives, yet it is not a normal part of the Kingdom life. Tim opens up Isaiah 60 and 2 Timothy 1:7. In the context of “deep darkness covers the earth…”, we are called to arise and shine. Fear becoming familiar in this past season wars against what we are called to. Love, power, and a sound mind are in direct opposition to what is happening in the world right now. We are to be of a different spirit, so that world looks at God’s people and says, “you have what I need!” Then “nations will come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising.”
i61 and The Kingdom Season
In our first corporate gathering for 2022, Tim opens up our core Scripture - Isaiah 61 - to remind us of the calling on us as a house, and set our calling in the context of a global strategic prophetic word from Chris Reed from Morningstar, and explained by Mike Bickle from IHOP Kansas City. We have been divinely positioned and prepared “for such as time as this”. Tim calls us to be bold in asking Jesus to touch us and move on us so that our lives truly become “a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendour.”
To get the full and complete story on the global prophetic, see Mike Bickle’s message at
You can see the graphic Tim was speaking from at
Fruits, Roots, and the Competition In Your Garden
Unbelief is not “the lack of faith”. It is a substance - a weed growing in our garden. When Jesus healed the boy with the mute spirit in Mark 9, the boy’s father said, “I believe. Help my unbelief.” He had two trees growing in his garden. One that believed Jesus, and one that battled to. When we have “stuff” in our life that is less than what scripture promises, it is evidence that more than one tree is growing in our garden. Jesus wants to deal with the tree at the root. In this season, dreams in the night are increasing, and God is revealing the root of our fruit, and giving us keys for advancement.
It's Time For Faith To Build
It’s not hard for a global event of COVID-19’s magnitude to throw us off centre a bit. There has been grace for that. Now the season is turning. It’s time to stop thinking just about survival and start thinking about advancement. Tim reminds us that there is a kind of faith that attracts the realm of heaven to our situation. It’s time to start building that kind of faith and re-orient ourselves back toward our Kingdom assignment.
Fear, Division, and Famous For Love
There is so much opportunity to be offended right now. So much division in the air. So easy to judge those who see things differently to us. Yet, we have been given a mission to show the world what love really is. Tim exhorts us to continue to grow in mature love. If we can only love those we agree with, the problem is us rather than them. In a world that is deeply divided, God want us to be famous for our love!
Coming Out Of Lockdown-itis
We are in unusual times, and it is so easy to get pre-occupied with everything that is going on around us - what the government is doing, whether people are vaccinating, masking, cooperating, protesting, and so on the list goes. John chapter 5 gives us some keys to stay away from victim thinking, to stay powerful, and to cooperate with what The Father is doing in this time to build His Kingdom.
Your Stance In The Waiting
We’re in lockdown and it feels like we’re just waiting. Lockdown or not, this side of heaven there is always a sense of waiting for something. Waiting in Scripture is an active stance. Debbie reminds us that our stance in the waiting determines our advancement!
The Kingdom Inside - Your Internal Atmosphere
The story of Jesus calming the storm is very familiar to many of us, yet it speaks so powerfully to our current circumstances. The disciples needed their external world to change to feel ok on the inside. Jesus had peace and calm on the inside and released that into the external atmosphere. He lived from the inside out. As Kingdom people, that is our mandate!
The World You Cultivate Inside
Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Our heart thinks! We are learning to respond to the voice of the Spirit of Adoption, but we undermine that voice if we cultivate something different on the inside. We need to pay attention to our internal atmosphere - the things we have playing on repeat inside us. We know the Kingdom is established in us when our internal world is dominated by peace and joy.
Permission - Matt Beckenham
Our dear friend Matt Beckenham - Senior Leader of Haberfield Baptist Church brings us an encouraging word about “Permission” - intermingling the message with personal and corporate prophetic ministry.
Prophetic Ministry - The Spirit of Adoption
Debbie leads us in a time of prophetic ministry and prayer for healing, then Tim follows on from two weeks ago and ministers into the spirit of adoption - that voice from The Father that chases away fear. The language that The Father speaks isn’t just about the words spoken. The nature of the voice - it’s tone, it’s essence brings with it the touch of His presence. It’s this voice that allows us to be connected back to the child-like fire at the core of our true identity.
Mature Love and the Spirit of Rejection
Ephesians 4 tells us that we are pursuing mature love - the fullness of Christ. There is a spirit that is rife in Australia culture that wars against mature love - the spirit of rejection. Tim unpacks how the spirit of rejection gets a hold in us, how it operates, and how The Father wants to bring healing to our rejection wounds and connect us back to our core identity.
The i61 Vision and The Ministry of Jesus
i61 Church was birthed out of the message of Isaiah 61, which prophetically describes and declares the ministry of Jesus. Tim and Debbie take today to unpack this prophetic passage to describe the blueprint for i61 that God dropped on them back in 2012. We cannot settle for anything less than ALL that Jesus came to do, for our own sake, and for the sake of the world around us, who need to encounter with the authentic Jesus.
This message uses slides on screen to bring the vision to life, which is harder to capture in audio only. There is a full video version of this message available on our website at
Stay In The Fire
It’s the start of week three of our 21 prayer and fasting season. Fasting seasons have a tendency to reveal what’s happening in our heart. When our normal “comforters” that silence our heart aren’t there, our heart starts to let us know how it’s doing. Tim looks at a story in Acts 28 that illustrates what to do in “fire seasons” when stuff comes to the surface so that we are transformed people. It takes transformed people to transform cities and nations.
Rebuilding Ruined Cities
Today begins our “Saturate” season - 3 weeks of prayer, fasting, and pursuing Him with laser focus. In week 1 we pursue our own personal breakthrough and upgrade. Tim and Debbie speak and minister into the “ruined cities” spoken of in Isaiah 61. God wants to heal those “ruined” places in our life that have been devastated for generations, so that you can become a restorer to the world around you.