The Priorities of Heaven

Some weeks remind you of what you are really fighting for. Tim unpacks the core priorities of heaven and how they are established in the church - first apostles, second prophets, third teachers. Ironically, when the needs of the people are not the highest priority, their needs actually get met better and deeper, and we have a real chance of transforming society.

Living From Another World - Part 6 - Open Q&A Session

The difference between the people of God and the rest of the world should not be just our behaviour. We have the power of the resurrected Christ within us. I am a spiritual being born of another Kingdom, who is having an earthly experience - not an earthly being who from time-to-time has spiritual experiences. We are not of this planet! Our commission is to live FROM heaven TOWARD earth - spirit first, then soul, then body. This series looks at how to do that.

Part 6 - Open Q&A Session. At the conclusion of this series we had an open forum to throw around the concepts from the series.

Living From Another World - Part 5 - When Things Don't Go As Planned

The difference between the people of God and the rest of the world should not be just our behaviour. We have the power of the resurrected Christ within us. I am a spiritual being born of another Kingdom, who is having an earthly experience - not an earthly being who from time-to-time has spiritual experiences. We are not of this planet! Our commission is to live FROM heaven TOWARD earth - spirit first, then soul, then body. This series looks at how to do that.

Part 5 - When Things Don't Go As Planned. Sometimes, when things don't go as planned, we have the perspective that "God is not with us..." - that He is not doing things. Gideon developed that perspective about Israel's situation, but something else was true. When James talks about being "double-minded", it means seeing two pictures instead of the one that God has spoken. We often have things we are believing God for, and we're tempted to think God is not acting. What He is doing is inviting us closer to His heart to teach us how His Kingdom operates.

Living From Another World - Part 4 - Activation Session

The difference between the people of God and the rest of the world should not be just our behaviour. We have the power of the resurrected Christ within us. I am a spiritual being born of another Kingdom, who is having an earthly experience - not an earthly being who from time-to-time has spiritual experiences. We are not of this planet! Our commission is to live FROM heaven TOWARD earth - spirit first, then soul, then body. This series looks at how to do that.

Part 4 - Activation Session. Tim and Debbie take the teaching from the past 3 sessions and bring it to a place of practical activation to bring alignment between our "clock" (how we spend our time each week) and our "compass" (our prophetic calling and direction).

Living From Another World - Part 3 - Conquering Kingdoms

The difference between the people of God and the rest of the world should not be just our behaviour. We have the power of the resurrected Christ within us. I am a spiritual being born of another Kingdom, who is having an earthly experience - not an earthly being who from time-to-time has spiritual experiences. We are not of this planet! Our commission is to live FROM heaven TOWARD earth - spirit first, then soul, then body. This series looks at how to do that.

Part 3 - Conquering Kingdoms. We're not here with a survival mandate - to just exist. We are created to increase in dominion. Your Kingdom destiny isn't primarily about accomplishing tasks and doing certain activities. It's about conquering territory and seeing the rule and reign of Jesus in that realm. But, there are giants in your land, and there are giants within. As we increase (i.e. our capacity to carry great authority), He will drive out the giants, but we need patience for the "little by little".

Living From Another World - Part 2 - Faith

The difference between the people of God and the rest of the world should not be just our behaviour. We have the power of the resurrected Christ within us. I am a spiritual being born of another Kingdom, who is having an earthly experience - not an earthly being who from time-to-time has spiritual experiences. We are not of this planet! Our commission is to live FROM heaven TOWARD earth - spirit first, then soul, then body. This series looks at how to do that.

Part 2 - Faith. Faith is a Kingdom "law" that is critical to ushering in the Kingdom. It is a higher law than the laws of the earth, and it ALWAYS works (in the same way the law of gravity always works). We're often just not aware of what we have faith for. This session looks at the law of faith - how it works, how you know when you're in faith, and how to get into a place of faith.

Living From Another World - Part 1 - Tongues

The difference between the people of God and the rest of the world should not be just our behaviour. We have the power of the resurrected Christ within us. I am a spiritual being born of another Kingdom, who is having an earthly experience - not an earthly being who from time-to-time has spiritual experiences. We are not of this planet! Our commission is to live FROM heaven TOWARD earth - spirit first, then soul, then body. This series looks at how to do that.

Part 1 - Tongues. Tongues is both misunderstood and under used, yet it is the key to activating our spirit and living from heaven to earth.

The Kingdom and Provision Part 8 - Money and Giving

Just because no one is doing it yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. How many centuries did people live on earth without commercial flight? The ability was always there, but no one had pushed in long or hard enough to discover what was possible. Now it's normal. In the Kingdom there are many possibilities that have always been there. One such realm, Tim believes, is the realm of Kingdom finance and provision. This realm is so important because it governs our ability to spend our best energy doing what we're created to do. Most of our thinking around provision is governed by the earth's thinking rather than the Kingdom's. There is a better way!

Part 8 - Money and Giving. Provision is part of the character and nature of God - it's in His Name. What's does the Bible say about money? What is the standard for giving in the Kingdom? Tim explores these 3 areas in this final session of the series.

The Kingdom and Provision 7 - Kingdom Economics

Just because no one is doing it yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. How many centuries did people live on earth without commercial flight? The ability was always there, but no one had pushed in long or hard enough to discover what was possible. Now it's normal. In the Kingdom there are many possibilities that have always been there. One such realm, Tim believes, is the realm of Kingdom finance and provision. This realm is so important because it governs our ability to spend our best energy doing what we're created to do. Most of our thinking around provision is governed by the earth's thinking rather than the Kingdom's. There is a better way!

Part 7 - Kingdom Economics. From the outset we were created to have dominion in the earth - we dictate to it, not the other way around. God's heart for his people is that they be immune from the economies of the nations around us, and to prosper regardless of what else is going on. That means we are genuinely able to be "good news to the poor" - the abundant resource that releases others. Heaven's economy releases us from making fear-based decisions, and to live like true sons and daughters of The King that the world looks to and sees the goodness of The King.

The Kingdom and Provision 6 - Recap and Testimonies

Just because no one is doing it yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. How many centuries did people live on earth without commercial flight? The ability was always there, but no one had pushed in long or hard enough to discover what was possible. Now it's normal. In the Kingdom there are many possibilities that have always been there. One such realm, Tim believes, is the realm of Kingdom finance and provision. This realm is so important because it governs our ability to spend our best energy doing what we're created to do. Most of our thinking around provision is governed by the earth's thinking rather than the Kingdom's. There is a better way!

Part 6 - Recap and Testimonies. A recap of the series so far, and testimonies from the floor of God's supernatural provision.

The Kingdom and Provision 5 - The Wilderness is Not The Goal

Just because no one is doing it yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. How many centuries did people live on earth without commercial flight? The ability was always there, but no one had pushed in long or hard enough to discover what was possible. Now it's normal. In the Kingdom there are many possibilities that have always been there. One such realm, Tim believes, is the realm of Kingdom finance and provision. This realm is so important because it governs our ability to spend our best energy doing what we're created to do. Most of our thinking around provision is governed by the earth's thinking rather than the Kingdom's. There is a better way!

Part 5 - The Wilderness Is Not The Goal. In the wilderness, Israel had their food flown in every day. That was one kind of provision, and it's true for certain seasons of your life. BUT, the wilderness is not the goal of the Christian life. The Promised Land is. In Egypt they had hard task masters, but at least they had food. We often settle for this because the idea of supernatural provision is too scary.

The Kingdom and Provision 4 - How To Increase

Just because no one is doing it yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. How many centuries did people live on earth without commercial flight? The ability was always there, but no one had pushed in long or hard enough to discover what was possible. Now it's normal. In the Kingdom there are many possibilities that have always been there. One such realm, Tim believes, is the realm of Kingdom finance and provision. This realm is so important because it governs our ability to spend our best energy doing what we're created to do. Most of our thinking around provision is governed by the earth's thinking rather than the Kingdom's. There is a better way!

Part 4 - How To Increase. We're not called to stay at the same level. The Kingdom is an advancing kingdom, and we are meant to experience increase in provision. This session looks at how this increase comes.

The Kingdom and Provision 3 - Giving and Receiving

Just because no one is doing it yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. How many centuries did people live on earth without commercial flight? The ability was always there, but no one had pushed in long or hard enough to discover what was possible. Now it's normal. In the Kingdom there are many possibilities that have always been there. One such realm, Tim believes, is the realm of Kingdom finance and provision. This realm is so important because it governs our ability to spend our best energy doing what we're created to do. Most of our thinking around provision is governed by the earth's thinking rather than the Kingdom's. There is a better way!

Part 3 - Giving and Receiving. In this session Tim shares some personal stories of Kingdom provision, leading to the key point - the way of the world is buying and selling. The way of the Kingdom is giving and receiving.

The Kingdom and Provision 2 - How Provision Comes

Just because no one is doing it yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. How many centuries did people live on earth without commercial flight? The ability was always there, but no one had pushed in long or hard enough to discover what was possible. Now it's normal. In the Kingdom there are many possibilities that have always been there. One such realm, Tim believes, is the realm of Kingdom finance and provision. This realm is so important because it governs our ability to spend our best energy doing what we're created to do. Most of our thinking around provision is governed by the earth's thinking rather than the Kingdom's. There is a better way!

Part 2 - How Provision Comes. In session 2, Tim contrasts 3 earthly ways - sowing and reaping, labour & toil, and running after - with how provision actually comes in the Kingdom and reminds us that formulas and principles, outside of intimacy with the Father and His voice, don't work.

The Kingdom and Provision 1 - Getting Out From Under The Earth Curse

Just because no one is doing it yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. How many centuries did people live on earth without commercial flight? The ability was always there, but no one had pushed in long or hard enough to discover what was possible. Now it's normal. In the Kingdom there are many possibilities that have always been there. One such realm, Tim believes, is the realm of Kingdom finance and provision. This realm is so important because it governs our ability to spend our best energy doing what we're created to do. Most of our thinking around provision is governed by the earth's thinking rather than the Kingdom's. There is a better way!

Part 1 - Getting Out From Under The Earth Curse. Jesus didn't doe on the cross so you could live your life just like the rest of the world but with better morals and ethics. The Kingdom life is meant to be a higher way, to the same degree the flying beats walking. This session sets the foundations for Kingdom provision.

The Family of God 4 - Celebrating The Father Around The Family Meal

The western church needs a mindset shift. Our mindset toward church is like that of a "service provider", and if I become dissatisfied with the service provider I take my "business" elsewhere. This mindset is so far removed from the Kingdom mindset that it it's scary. In this four-part series, Tim unpacks the true nature of the New Testament Church - a family with a mission of heart transformation.

Part 4 - Celebrating The Father Around The Family Meal. Kingdom family has the ultimate Father, and He is so much better than we think. In a brief dive into the Parable of The Prodigal Son, which should be called The Parable of The Rockstar Father, Tim leads us into communion (the family meal) by reminding us of what He is really like.

The Family of God 3 - Family Dynamics, Offence and Forgiveness

The western church needs a mindset shift. Our mindset toward church is like that of a "service provider", and if I become dissatisfied with the service provider I take my "business" elsewhere. This mindset is so far removed from the Kingdom mindset that it it's scary. In this four-part series, Tim unpacks the true nature of the New Testament Church - a family with a mission of heart transformation.

Part 3 - Family Dynamics, Offence, and Forgiveness. The simple reality of life is, the closer we get to people, and the more time we spend with people, the more likely they are to annoy us! In Kingdom family, we will experience dysfunction. A healthy family gets really good at genuine forgiveness that is rooted in healthy emotional processes. If we don't learn this, we will stay very immature. As we do this, we will grow up into the fullness that we are created for.

The Family of God 2 - The Church is a Family Business

The western church needs a mindset shift. Our mindset toward church is like that of a "service provider", and if I become dissatisfied with the service provider I take my "business" elsewhere. This mindset is so far removed from the Kingdom mindset that it it's scary. In this four-part series, Tim unpacks the true nature of the New Testament Church - a family with a mission of heart transformation.

Part 2 - The Church is a Family Business. Tim borrows from a more agricultural age idea of the family business - we do family together, and we run a business together. The church in mission - transforming the hearts of people, cities, and nations - is the family business, and there are two key lies that hit family life and undermine our fruitfulness.

The Family of God 1 - The Kingdom Is a Family Paradigm

The western church needs a mindset shift. Our mindset toward church is like that of a "service provider", and if I become dissatisfied with the service provider I take my "business" elsewhere. This mindset is so far removed from the Kingdom mindset that it it's scary. In this four-part series, Tim unpacks the true nature of the New Testament Church - a family with a mission of heart transformation.

Part 1 - The Kingdom of God is a Family Paradigm: Tim lays the foundation for the Kingdom of God as a family, and calls us to examine how our own experience of our family of origin (growing up) has shaped how we approach Kingdom family.