Just because no one is doing it yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. How many centuries did people live on earth without commercial flight? The ability was always there, but no one had pushed in long or hard enough to discover what was possible. Now it's normal. In the Kingdom there are many possibilities that have always been there. One such realm, Tim believes, is the realm of Kingdom finance and provision. This realm is so important because it governs our ability to spend our best energy doing what we're created to do. Most of our thinking around provision is governed by the earth's thinking rather than the Kingdom's. There is a better way!
Part 7 - Kingdom Economics. From the outset we were created to have dominion in the earth - we dictate to it, not the other way around. God's heart for his people is that they be immune from the economies of the nations around us, and to prosper regardless of what else is going on. That means we are genuinely able to be "good news to the poor" - the abundant resource that releases others. Heaven's economy releases us from making fear-based decisions, and to live like true sons and daughters of The King that the world looks to and sees the goodness of The King.