Doing a Great Work - Nehemiah #5 - The Power of Many - The Power of One

i61 is in a new season, but there are some keys in past ground that we’ve covered that are relevant and prophetic for us now. The book of Nehemiah holds some critical blueprints and keys for what we are building, so we are posting a 5-part series that Tim did back in 2015. It takes more than one person to change the world - to leave a lasting legacy the lives for generations. It’s important to know what part of the “wall” we are called to build - what is our specific assignment, otherwise that part of the wall won’t get built. Our unique assignment is often linked to something that is very close to our heart - something we deeply care about. It takes all of us discovering who we are, and putting our hand to the plough, to accomplish something significant. Often the catalyst to the kind of unity needed is one person being bold enough to step into who they really are, then others unite around that. You can’t wait for unity to act. You’ll get the unity once you act.